What’s the AR Attraction?

When our managing director, Roger Gaunt, spoke at BrokerFest 2023 in London, he was part of a discussion about the role of appointed representatives within the broker model.  He was naturally delighted to put across his views on the fundamental part that Gauntlet Group ARs play within the model – as traditional local brokers but […]

‘Reborn As a Broker’ Podcast Highlights Local Broker Rescue Option

The viewpoints of two formerly directly authorised brokers, who have relinquished their direct authorisation with the FCA to instead become appointed representatives of Gauntlet Group, are explored in a brand-new podcast that could help other local  brokers become ‘reborn’. The ‘Reborn as a Broker’ podcast can be found here, or downloaded as episode 5 on […]

How Directly Authorised Brokers Can Offload Their Stress

Life as an insurance broker may not appear too stressful.  It’s not firefighting, after all.  However, for many directly authorised brokers, often trying to provide broking services to their local community as local insurance brokers, life in their insurance brokerage is all about fire-fighting. For many smaller directly authorised brokers, a huge amount of time […]

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