New ‘Gauntlet Phoenix’ Appointed Representative Proposition for Broker Returners

The Gauntlet AR Network is celebrating its fifteenth anniversary – and the thirtieth anniversary of principal, Gauntlet Group – by launching a brand-new appointed representative proposition.

‘Gauntlet Phoenix’ is targeted at a niche within the market – ex-insurance brokers, who sold their first broking business and who are now in a position, having served the contractual terms associated with the sale, to start up again.

It is a perfect second-time-around proposition for any former broker bored with ‘retirement and wanting to get back into insurance broking.  It is also attractive to those who want to further boost their future pension pot, by building another profitable broking business.

How the Gauntlet Phoenix Appointed Representative proposition works

Whilst the proposition is very similar to that available to account executives who make the move to become an AR straight from an employed role, it has additional elements.

The Gauntlet AR team provide Gauntlet Phoenix brokers with an in-depth Refresher Session, to bring them up to speed with all latest developments in the market.  This covers a review of the Acturis IT system and all of the latest cross-selling opportunities that it can provide.

Updates on compliance are provided, so that Gauntlet Phoenix brokers are fully aware of any changes that may have been introduced since they last ran a broking business.

A Discovery Session helps Gauntlet Phoenix brokers focus on their new marketing aims and target markets, as well as highlighting what support they need.  This includes website and also PR, which can help them announce their re-arrival in the market.

It also helps identify which markets they wish to focus on and which insurer products might be most useful. Should a Gauntlet Phoenix broker want something more niche, the possibility of approaching an insurer who can deliver that can also be explored.


Generating business for appointed representatives

A Leads Provision programme then helps tide them over with business, until they can acquire clients through personal contact.  Strong and viable insurance leads are provided to any Gauntlet Phoenix broker, so they can make an immediate impact.  Whilst this service is available to all Gauntlet appointed representatives, the leads purchase strategy can be more targeted for a Phoenix broker, according to what their previous areas of specialisation were.

Gauntlet Phoenix brokers can also immediately start to gain the support of the head office team and network, in other ways. This includes benefiting from the sales support and inspiration available at three network-wide events each year.


Who does this appointed representative model suit?

The Gauntlet Phoenix proposition is available to any broker who has previously sold their business and wants to start up again, whether they were previously part of the Gauntlet AR network, a member of another network, or directly authorised.

Roger Gaunt, managing director of Gauntlet Group, says, “We have seen years of consolidation and insurance brokerage buy-outs and are very aware that many brokers, who sold their first business, are often itching to get back into broking and be part of the vibrant working and social life surrounding the profession. Gauntlet Phoenix helps them do that, swiftly, with a strong strategic focus behind their relaunch and with targeted sales support.

“We would urge any former broker who wants to get back in the game to come and talk to us, so we can tailor an approach for them.”

To find out more about Gauntlet Phoenix, contact for an initial exploratory conversation.


To discover more about the other ways to become a Gauntlet appointed representative, which are: as a start-up broker, straight from a role as an account exec or other similar role; via the Gauntlet Brokerage Builder programme or by relinquishing direct authorisation and joining Gauntlet as an AR through the Gauntlet De-authorisation Fast-track route, you should also contact Nigel Law, or use the online enquiry form.

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