Carpe Diem: the Appointed Representative Opportunity is NOW

It’s Carpe Diem Day (February 26)  – one associated with seizing the day.  For those dissatisfied with their insurance broking lives, there may be no better time to embrace this motto and grasp the appointed representative opportunity. You may wish to seize the day because the realities of insurance consolidation are hitting home.  Perhaps not […]

4 Ways to Become an Insurance Appointed Representative

Appointed representatives are a lesser-known breed within the insurance industry, despite ARs, as they are also known, having used the AR model to start up an insurance brokerage, and become an insurance appointed representative, for nearly two decades now. Why is this the case?  Well, perhaps it’s because many observers merely see a name above […]

11 Reasons for Directly Authorised Brokers to Become ARs

It’s the season of the elf on the shelf.  So, with elf being German for eleven, the Gauntlet AR Network is giving you eleven things to mull over during the festive period, to assess which may resonate.  If any do, perhaps you will see that being a directly authorised broker may no longer be in […]

5 Myths About Becoming an Appointed Representative

Despite the appointed representative model being long-established in the insurance sector – for 15 years in the case of the Gauntlet AR network – there are still things that are misunderstood and a few myths about being an AR in general that need to be busted.  There are also one or two about Gauntlet AR […]

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